Saturday, March 21, 2009

What is an Early Childhood Education Degree?

"Early childhood education" is a very popular major today. However, this concept is still unknown to many people. Early childhood education can be basically termed as "Learning through play". This concept is adopted by many kindergartens.

This "learning through play" concept is proven to be more effective than conventional learning and hence today’s kid’s schools are given a warm welcome by the parents worldwide. Though the economic slowdown has hit every sector, the early childhood education programs provided by the kid’s schools are blooming. With the huge popularity of this early childhood education concept, many kid’s schools have popped up today. Hence these kid’s schools are nor looking for professionals with an Early childhood education degree. Comparing the other career opportunities available today, the careers in early childhood education is stress free. Just keep reading on the article to know more about the career opportunities in early childhood education.

The Career Opportunities

As already mentioned, the Early childhood education concept is widely used in the schools today. Well trained students who have earned an Early Childhood Education Degree can seek great careers as faculty of these children's schools. The main advantage of this career is that, you will have a pleasant and stress free working environment.

Additionally, as there are only few trained professionals in Early Childhood Education, and high demand so students get places quickly after graduation. Well trained candidates can seek career opportunities in nursery schools, pre-schools, and primary school grades. For those who to spend time with kids, the career in early childhood education is made for them.

How to get the Early Childhood Education Degree?

Early childhood education degrees are available in different forms. Some of the career training schools offer online degree programs in early childhood education. However, when it comes to getting the best training, the associate degree programs offered by the training schools in PA are the ones to look for. Getting trained in these associate degree programs will help you to get into the entry level careers in early childhood education with ease.

What is taught in the Early Childhood Education Degree programs?

The students taking the Early Childhood Education Degree programs will be taught the techniques to be used to educate and motivate kids and young children. You will also learn how to maintain a positive learning environment for making the young children feeling comfortable in their schools. On completion of the associate degree program in Early Childhood Education, the candidates will acquire all the much needed teaching skills.

The career opportunities for an Early Childhood Education Degree holder are not restricted to kid’s schools and nursery schools. Well trained professionals can also get aspiring careers in public and private schools, day care centers, and child oriented Head Start programs.

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Sistem Informasi

Definisi sistem informasi adalah kumpulan informasi didalam sebuah basis data menggunakan model dan media teknologi informasi digunakan di dalam pengambilan keputusan bisnis sebuah organisasi.Di dalam suatu organisasi, informasi merupakan sesuatu yang penting didalam mendukung proses pengambilan keputusan oleh pihak manajemen.Menurut Raymond Mcleod, :
“ Informasi adalah data yang telah diolah menjadi bentuk yang memiliki arti bagi si penerima dan bermanfaat bagi pengambilan keputusan saat ini atau mendatang ”
Secara umum informasi dapat didefinisikan sebagai hasil dari pengolahan data dalam suatu bentuk yang lebih berguna dan lebih berarti bagi penerimanya yang menggambarkan suatu kejadian-kejadian yang nyata yang digunakan untuk pengambilan keputusan. Sumber dari informasi adalah data. Data adalah kenyataan yang menggambarkan suatu kejadian-kejadian dan kesatuan nyata. Kejadian-kejadian adalah sesuatu yang terjadi pada saat tertentu. Di dalam dunia bisnis, kejadian-kejadian yang sering terjadi adalah transaksi perubahan dari suatu nilai yang disebut transaksi. Kesatuan nyata adalah berupa suatu obyek nyata seperti tempat, benda dan orang yang betul-betul ada dan terjadi.Data merupakan bentuk yang masih mentah, belum dapat bercerita banyak sehingga perlu diolah lebih lanjut. Data diolah melalui suatu metode untuk menghasilkan informasi. Data dapat berbentuk simbol-simbol semacam huruf, angka, bentuk suara, sinyak, gambar, dsb.

Data yang diolah melalui suatu model menjadi informasi, penerima kemudian menerima informasi tersebut, membuat suatu keputusan dan melakukan tindakan, yang berarti menghasilkan suatu tindakan yang lain yang akan membuat sejumlah data kembali. Data tersebut akan ditangkap sabagai input, diproses kembali lewat suatu model dan seterusnya membentuk suatu siklus.

Sistem Informasi 1

Karakter Sistem Informasi

1. sistem informasi memiliki komponen berupa subsistem yang merupakan elemen elemen yang lebih kecil yang membentuk sistem informasi misalnya sistem komputer yang terdiri dari hardware, software, dan brainware.

2. ruang lingkup sistem informasi yaitu ruang lingkup yang ditentukan dari awal pembuatan sebuah sistem untuk membatasi lingkup kerja sistem tersebut.

3. tujuan sistem informasi adalah hal pokok yang harus ditentukan dan dicapai dengan menggunakan sistem informasi tersebut, sebuah sistem informasi berhasil apabila dapat mencapai tujuan tersebut.

4. lingkungan sistem informasi yaitu sesuatu yang berada diluar ruang lingkup sistem informasi yang dapat mempengaruhi sistem informasi, hal ini turut dipertimbangkan pada saat perencanaan sistem informasi.